💳Connecting a wallet

Adding a network to Leap Wallet

This guide will walk you through the steps to add a Coreum network, created in the LZero platform, to your Leap Wallet. This guide will use the chrome extension version as an example but the process would be similar for other devices.

Steps to Add the Network

  1. Open Leap Wallet:

    • Launch the Leap Wallet extension in your Chrome browser.

  2. Open Network Settings:

    • Click on the network selector in the top right corner of the wallet interface.

    • Click the plus button (+) next to the search field to add a new network.

  3. Fill in Network Details: On the new screen, fill in the following details (adapt to your own network):

    • Chain ID: coreum-devnet-1 (the chain ID as defined when creating the network)

    • Chain Name: Inquisitive Crow (abitrary, ideally use the same name as the network)

    • RPC URL: https://inquisitive-crow-node-1-996b4cad-e56a-42a2.lzeroanalytics.com:443/rpc (the RPC URL of any node of the network)

    • REST URL: https://inquisitive-crow-node-1-996b4cad-e56a-42a2.lzeroanalytics.com:443/api(the API URL of the same node as the RPC node)

    • Address Prefix: devcore (depends on the chain id; testcore for coreum-testnet-1 and core for coreum-mainnet-1)

    • Native Denom: udevcore (the address prefix with u in front)

    • Coin Type: 990

    • Decimals: 6

    • Block Explorer URL: https://inquisitive-crow-block-explorer-996b4cad-e56a-42a2.lzeroanalytics.com (optional, can be retrieved from the services card in the platform)

  4. Save the Network:

    • After filling in the details, click on the Save button to add the network to your Leap Wallet.

Updating Network Details

If you need to update the network details due to a new network or using a different network, follow these steps:

  1. Open Preferences:

    • Click on the top left corner to access the preferences menu.

    • Select Custom Endpoints.

  2. Update RPC and REST URLs:

    • Adapt the fields to the new RPC and REST URLs as required.

Importing an Account

You can import the account automatically created by each node to use a pre-funded account. Follow these steps:

  1. Find the Mnemonic:

    • The mnemonic (recovery phrase) can be found in the log terminal, which is shown after clicking on a network in the LZero platform.

  2. Import Account in Leap Wallet:

    • Click on the wallet name at the top.

    • Select Import using recovery phrase.

    • Enter the mnemonic and follow the prompts to import your account.

By following these steps, you can easily add and manage the Coreum network in your Leap Wallet. This allows you to interact with the Coreum blockchain seamlessly, utilizing all its features and capabilities. For further assistance, refer to the Leap Wallet documentation.

Last updated